12 de noviembre de 2013

#ArtforFreedom y Madonna informan:

Lesmack Meza Parente nos informa acerca de #Artforfreedom!

El Staff de Madonna ha estado en constante comunicación con nuestro compañero Lesmack Meza Parente, primer ganador del concurso en line #ArtforFreedom, para coordinar la entrega de los $10,000 dolares a la institución benéfica que Lesmack eligió. Él nos informa que dicha institución esta ubicada en Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México y #Madonna la dará a conocer el día miercoles 13 de noviembre, a traves de la curaduría en vivo que realizará en su cuenta de Tumblr http://www.madonna.tumblr.com/.

De nueva cuenta, felicitamos a Lesmack por este maravilloso honor de ser parte de #revolutionoflove junto a nuestra Reina del Pop, Madonna!

Madonna & Tumblr To Hold A Special #ArtForFreedom Curation on November 13th.
UPDATE: In addition to the #ArtForFreedom live curation which is now set to start by 4:30pm EST, you can also ask Madonna Art For Freedom related questions, some of which she will answer on Wednesday. Do to so, click the “Ask Madonna Anything" button!
Madonna’s Art For Freedom initiative has joined with Tumblr for the month of November to collectively curate a new collection of entries from their community of visual artists. At 4:30pm EST on November 13, Madonna will conduct a live curation on Tumblr of entries and will continue to review submissions all month. The best work of art, photography, video or poetry chosen by Madonna from the November entries will receive a $10,000 grant, which will go to a nonprofit organization or project of the winning artist’s choice. All projects must be focused on a social justice issue and exemplify the values of Art For Freedom.
CLICK HERE to submit your art work now! The final winner will be announced in early December.